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Thursday, November 1, 2018

More Life..More Love.. November Tings

I can't stand New Years  resolutions. I love the idea of starting over and getting another chance to make things better but to me, the thought of "resolutions" sound like failure before the process. It's like subconsciously tricking your mind to get excited about a grander life when you're skinnier, wealthier, etc. Just to take the edge off of the unknown and unavoidable work that will have to be put in. Because let's face it, who likes the unknown and who the hell likes having to work? I guess this is because I'm not a planner. I wish I were but I'm just not. I like simply doing. For me, too much planning leads to too much thought and then possible disaster. I'm prone to worrying so my thoughts can go from one stranger thing to another. Maybe it's my inner conflict with change or maybe my fear of not reaching a goal. Or maybe I'm a NYE hater. (shrugs)
This year has flown by so fast and I've had a lot of amazing experiences so far. As well as some other experiences that whether voluntary or involuntary there were opportunities presented for growth that I am grateful for. Although we're two months way from planning goals for the new year, today is November 1st and for some beautifully, odd reason I woke up inspired by the new possibilities that this month has to offer.
Every opportunity to be great or educated about something new. Trips to the museums. New music to add to my life's soundtrack. New people to met. A new recipe. New Netflix binge. A new fall color to expand my already colossal lipstick collection. New experiences to spin into a Blooming in Enough II. Who knows what it is? I don't! But I'm embracing it.

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