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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Life Gems with Javonni Al-Amin: You are already Whole

You are already Whole -Javonni Al-Amin
I practice self love by being very self reflective, filtering, and taking care of my physical needs.  Self reflection keeps me honest and grounded. I'm constantly checking myself to see if I'm ok with the way I'm dealing with life.  If I'm not, I figure out if it's fixable and if I need to take action.  If I am, I enjoy the moment and let myself be proud of myself! I run people, places, and things through a filter. If it doesn't align with happiness or wholeness then just as soon as I can, I let it go. I take raising my children as my life's work.  Because of that, I decided a while ago that I'm not going to let anything get in the way of me growing grounded, whole, well adjusted children. That means that I have to be in good space mentally, emotionally, and physically. Anything that imposes on that, I eliminate.  Loving me is an inside-out job.  I wear Ghanaian waist beads under my clothes as a reminder of the womb I carry, to honor my African heritage, and because I think they're beautiful.  I change my hair often because I can and "beautiful" doesn't have a box to fit in.  Healthy is beautiful, so I love myself to that and not number or a size.  Overall I practice self love by checking in with who God says I am who I want to be, and being ok with the journey.

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