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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Life Gems with Steph Cedeno

Life gems with Steph Cedeno

What life experience taught you the importance of loving yourself?
I don’t think there is one single specific moment in my life that has lead me on this journey as much as it is a combination of my life’s events. The moral of each situation always wound up being the fact that in order to truly love myself I have to also love my journey and not allow the past or outside actions define me. I can literally write a book about my life , but being raised by a single father has really shaped me to be the woman I am today. Understanding the universe helps me understanding that things are happening FOR me and not TO me.

How do you practice self-care?

I practice self care in a few different ways. It started with crystals. I love the fact that they come from the earth and divinely created. With the crystals came meditation.  I recently started meditating not on a daily scheduled basis but when I feel the pull to do so. It has honestly been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my journey. Palo Santo is my favorite to use when spirituality cleansing along with sage and incense. Sometimes we need to disconnect from the everyday hustling and put our phones down and just be, which for me is very important with self care.

Knowing all that you know now, what advice would you give your young self?

Being the woman I am today and knowing all that I do now, the best advice I would give my younger self would be love you more today than yesterday . Be sure to always take care and don’t place judgment on yourself. You are created in the divine eye.

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