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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Only look back to see how far You've come

I've been two weeks social media free (with the exception of twitter). Logging off every now and then is healthy for me. I get caught up too fast and for all the wrong reasons. Plus, I like to fall off the grid sometimes to collect myself and live on the low. This helps me focus and realign myself with what is important to me or actually get in touch with what should be important. I hate to admit it but I'm one of those people that needs to put themselves on timeout before getting carried away with the glitz and glamour of the internet otherwise I'm drained and overstimulated by way too much and then I begin to compare and contrast my life to all the wonderful people doing amazing things.

Ironically, being removed from social media makes me feel like I'm on an island far away from everything and everybody which was the goal but damn LOL. This purge is different. I've felt unhappy with things lately and although I'm working on that I've felt the need for inspiration. To have an encounter deep enough to shift my emotions toward hope. That shit is so important; to be inspired. I needed that today. I looked on my Twitter timeline and other blogs. I even called my little brother this morning hoping to hear something, anything to make me feel better but that changed nothing. Then out of nowhere( though I know it was God) I thought about some things that took place last year and realized that I've come a long way. Life was basic. This year I'm blogging more consistently. I wrote and self-published my first book. I took my first international trip. I'm a year free from a very abusive relationship I was in. I became more active with establishing my non-profit IMperfect. I'm just in a better space. Not where I want to be but not where I was. I've heard it said that unhappiness can stem from focusing on what you don't have or what you lost verse what you have and what you want to feel. When you focus on whats true, noble, right, pure, love, and admirable, you're generating gratefulness. Gratefulness is a godly vibe baby and when you look towards God, you don't have to look anywhere else.

Today I was seeking inspiration. I looked back over my life and saw God.

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