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Monday, September 3, 2018

Dead things are CANCELLED this season

Everybody that really knows me knows that I love flowers. Tulips, Sunflowers, Peonies, Hibiscus, Mums, Daisy's, and so on. I mean shoot I centered a whole book comparing the developmental process of flowers to women and our life experiences. So yall can only imagine my distress when seeing the beautiful hanging plants in my front yard weltering away. Of course my lack of maintenance played a factor as well but the truth is the heat index this summer has made it very difficult to keep the flowers moist and lively. The atmosphere was becoming non-conducive for them to flourish any longer. I saw that so I let them go. I feel like a bad plarent (mother of plants lol) but it wasn't working and I also knew that at this point there wasn't going to be anything that I could do. Three time this season, I brought those plants back to life and it was too late this time. Mama had to say farewell.

In the spirit of letting go I also let go of my social media accounts for the month. We all need those times to unplug and reset to be a better you. Besides, my timeline went from a form of entertainment to a constant reminder of everything I want and don't have. I'm not simple enough to think that an blessing just falls into peoples laps. Most people work damn hard for all they gain and probably prayed even harder. It would be ridiculous of me to think that there's some cruel trick that God is playing on me. Although sometimes that thought doesn't feel too far fetched. Even though I realize that faith without works is dead, it doesn't lessen the sting I feel with each swipe as I see all that I dream for myself is coming true in someone else's life. But I shifted my thoughts from what am I not doing to what am I going to do? So what I did was shut down my pages and got off my ass. I am and will always be responsible for my own happiness. No one else. If I want to be healthy, I have to move my ass. If I want my company to be life changing, I need to get off my ass and do the research and execute. Get a place to live, continue to look. Its not easy but is just that simple. We can be our own worse enemies and I was mine. My laziness was leading to a slow death of my dreams, health, hope, and faith. I wasn't believing God anymore. I was believing I would never really experience life.

I also cleaned out my closet. Ended relationships. My life has to change in order for me to experience change. I'm cancelling all dead things to live.

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