This weeks thoro gem feature is not one but three beautiful and successful women from New Orleans, Louisiana. Not only are they making huge names for themselves in their respective fields but they're also best friends in real life.
Supa Cent, Da Real BB Judy and Tokyo Vanity.
Supa Cent grew to fame by making hilarious and too real videos about herself and life experiences on the Vine and Instragram. Everything from her comedic videos to #StoryTimeWithSupa ,her #AskSupa segments where followers reach out to her for words of advice, to #CookingWithSupa and of course the supa (see what I did there LOL) success of her very own cosmetic line
The Crayon Case. Also a music manger, clothing designer, and just one year into becoming a major indy brand, Supa proves that with belief in yourself and dedication there's no excuse to not chase greatness.
But wait, how genesis is her branding by making the makeup of her brand look like actually school supplies! Sis was really on to something.
On another note, over this past weekend she hosted an event in her home town of New Orleans where her now fiancé that we all know as Lou, proposed to her. Congratulations love!
You may have seen her along side her bestie, Jesseca Dupart affectionately known as
Da Real
BB Judy, CEO of
Kaleidoscope Hair Products. In 2014, Judy launched her brand in with her savings and a plan. If you tell me that you haven't seen her videos where she's busting in studio sessions, running down of celebrities in the streets or interrupting brunch dates to advised potential clients on their need of her miracle drops, I'm going to ask you where have you been?!
Of course all her videos are in good fun and pre-planned with everyone involved, Judy knew how to catch the attention and memory of her audience with her brilliant marketing. She also doesn't shy away from sharing knowledge. You can see her in several interviews sharing her tips for success and spreading love.

The baby of crew, Tokyo Vanity is famously known for her 2015 hit single "That's My Best Friend".Tokyo has been booked and busy with getting her feet wet in the music game and also recently casted as one of the new and fan favorite personalities on Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Personally, I don't care too much for LLHH Anywhere, but watching her a few others is cool from time to time. On the show, Tokyo revealed that she was a virgin and received a lot of mixed opinions about her personal choice to remain on lock and key until further notice. I LOVE IT!! A lot of young girls and even grown women get caught up in the pressures of sex so her unapologetic stance is refreshing and NEEDED.
The authenticity and obvious love between these ladies is something awesome to watch. They're supportive, hold each other accountable, promote each others company's and encourage one another like a friend should. I remember a couple months ago I saw a video where Judy surprised Supa with keys to her own store. I cried watching that video because that level of friendship is beautiful. She believed enough in her friend to assist in making her dreams a solidified brand. My TGT features pale in comparison to that level of support, but that's the reason why I do Thoro Gem Thursday. I love spreading love and have NEVER BEEN A HATER. When women support other women, its as powerful as a movement and when the support is in your own lit!
Supa, Judy, and Tok, you ladies are some thoro gems.
For more information ob these ladies, check out their social media handles and websites below.
Supa Cent:
IG: @supa_cent and @thecrayoncase
Da Real BB Judy:
IG @darealbbjudy
Tokyo Vanity:
IG @tokyoxvanity
Twitter @tokyoxvanity