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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thoro Gem Thursday: 1X for my girls


Hey gems,

It's Thursday which means I feature one or a few thoro (thor·ough) baddies that are doing it. Whether that "it" is in the office, home, entertainment industry or just a bomb ass woman that is leaving her mark on this world.  I love bragging about and acknowledge women because sometime I feel as though there is a lack of appreciate where honor is due. Some of us are taking care of business in and outside of the home. Wives and mothers. Single mothers. Entrepreneurs. Going to school. Working 9 to 5 jobs and even those of us still getting it together to figure out life. You deserve a moment sis. Having said that, sit back, relax, grab something refreshing to sip on and enjoy.

This week's thoro gem YOU!

You don't always feel loved or hell, even seen. You get tired and discouraged. Weary at the ways of the world and angry with the injustice. Life may not be going as planned or going at all. You feel lonely at times or maybe unable to get a moment alone to be with your thoughts and just breathe. Perhaps you feel meh. Unsure how to really feel about anything these days. OR, you feel great! Life is lit right now and you couldn't be more grateful than you are everyday that your eyes open. You have major events to look forward to and you're all around happy. Whatever your current state is, I'm here to tell you to tell you to KEEP GOING SIS!! If you don't have a cheerleader then I'll be that for you. If you're preparing, planning and working...keep going! If you're reassessing, resting, resetting...keep going. You're so beautiful. Your soul is so magnetic for love and abundance. Your life is coming together and whether today, tomorrow and a couple months from now, all will make sense. And if you don't now what to do regarding love, life, career BUT you know how you want to feel(peace, fulfilled, love, etc.). Follow that!

In the meantime, know that you are powerful simply because you're a women. You have a birth canal built in you and its in your nature to nurture all that it around you. You don't feel noticeable but you'll always be felt. You're such a thoro gem!!

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