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Friday, April 20, 2018

Being self-aware & Dodging Bad Vibes

So far, April has been a pretty good month for me. I turned 33 on the 3rd, I'm solidifying the details for my first international vacation this summer, Beyoncé killed Coachella, and I released my first book. All beautiful things. On the other hand, I've had to do a lot self reflecting( which is never easy)and releasing of habits and people; both in real life and social media.

Here's the thing, NOBODY  HAS A PERFECT CHARACTER. We all have flaws and to be a person of great action and mature responses should be all of our goals. I don't like to make accuses for my attitude. I know that I have the tendency to be an asshole because if people know they can turn you, they'll roll you like a pair of dice every time but there has also been times where I've been overly mature about a situation that I clearly wasn't wrong in and kept my mouth shut when I had every right to go TF off. I took a look at the drama I created and how my attitude effectives life and those around me. I asked God to help me change and give me grace for people. So when I started turning my ideas into moves and celebrated life instead of having pity parties, people weren't feeling me and it was painfully apparent. What also became clear was their "brand new" attitude wasn't new at all. What was new was the choice I made for myself. I also realized that those bonds were over what made us miserable. Like the saying goes, misery loves company and I just wasn't fun anymore. That's cool though!

NO MORE one-side friendships. NO MORE revolving Ex's. NO MORE letting my fear stomp out my faith. Living my best life and dodging negative vibrations all 2018!

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